What To Do If You Are Fired From Your Job Due To Pregnancy

If you have been fired from your job and you believe it was done because you are pregnant, you may wonder if you have any rights that would allow you to stay employed. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a pregnant woman has the same rights on the job as people with a temporary disability. If you are employed by a company with more than fifteen employees, you are protected by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. There are a few steps you can take after being fired to retain your job if you feel you were discriminated against because of your pregnancy. Here are some tips to follow when fighting for your job.

Get Legal Help Promptly

As soon as you receive word you are no longer needed on the job, call attorneys in your area to find one that will take on your case. An attorney will be able to lead in you in the correct direction in how to proceed in proving your firing was due to your present medical condition. They have the sources to look over past cases similar to your own to help you in this endeavor.

Gather Documented Evidence

Make a list of dates you were unable to perform your job as required due to your pregnancy. If you took time off for doctor's appointments or because you suffered from morning sickness, gestational diabetes, edema, or any other pregnancy related symptom, have the dates listed with the ailment you were suffering from at the time.

If you were treated unfairly while on the job, and you have proof of this via photograph, video, or written document, save this proof to show to your lawyer to help plead your case. You may have been reprimanded by a boss via memo or you may have an irate voicemail from your manager helping to prove you were treated unfairly.

Find Witnesses From Within

If fellow employees had seen your boss treat you differently once they had found out you were pregnant, they may be able to testify in your behalf if your case goes to court. If you were told you could not do certain tasks because of your condition or if your employer tried to make you leave the company on your own, you can use this information against them as well. Ask around to see if any of your friends in the company would be willing to step forward in making a statement about the way you were treated. Check with sales representatives, clients, and vendors as well.

See An Unemployment Advocate

When waiting to find out the outcome of your discriminatory case, you will want to make sure you are compensated monetarily to make up for the lack of a paycheck you are now experiencing. Contact an unemployment advocate to find out what your options are. You may be able to collect disability insurance. The Family Medical Leave Act will protect your rights to receive unemployment benefits if you were fired from your job. An advocate would direct you in how to proceed with forms in obtaining the benefits you need.

If you're looking for a discrimination attorney in your area, visit Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen, P.C.

About Me

My Real Life Crime Drama

I never even dreamed that I would be accused of a crime that I did not commit. I mean, stuff like that only happens on TV right? Well, at least that's what I thought until it actually happened to me. After being falsely identified by a witness, I found myself standing trial for a crime that I was truly innocent of. It was only with the help of my lawyer that I was able to prove my innocence and ultimately get back my good name. Watching my lawyer present my case to the jury, I must admit that I was impressed. It was in this moment that I knew just how special the legal system truly is. Today, I write this blog as a way of honoring the system that worked for me and to ensure that everyone has someplace to turn when dealing with legal issues of their own.
